Tuesday, October 2, 2007

How To Take A Better Holiday Photo

So you want to take a better holiday photo with your digital camera? But you are finding it hard to get that perfect shot? Here are five basic tips to help you get that better holiday photo.

Tip one: Take that holiday photo from a different angle. Get down low for example. Shooting a holiday photo from a different angle adds interest and can produce good effects.

Tip Two: Fill the frame! Create impact by getting up close. The difference will be stunning – try it, you’ll like it.

Tip Three: Don’t shoot the subject smack bang in the middle of the holiday photo! Use the ‘Thirds Rule’. The horizon should be at the top or lower third of the photo. The subject should be either on the left or right third of the photo. Keep the ‘Thirds Rule’ as a basic guideline and the end result should create a rewording holiday photo album.

Tip Four: Be brave! Don’t use the AUTO setting to shoot your holiday photo. Take control. For portraits, use low aperture - around 2.8. For landscapes, use high aperture - around 16. Don’t be afraid to experiment. It is digital after all – you will not be wasting any film! For action holiday photos, use a fast shutter speed.

Tip Five: Use high resolution. Low resolution is good when you want to use your holiday photos on your website, but low resolution is no good for printing. Set your camera to a high resolution. If you have to – buy a bigger memory card. It will be worth it when you get that holiday photo you just LOVE – you’ll be able to do so much more with that holiday photo. Go on – blow it up and turn it into a poster!

Marjolein is a mother of two and a photo enthusiast. Memories are precious, and she uses http://www.funwithphotos.co.nz to store her memories online for easy sharing and creating fun products. She invites you to visit her website.

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